
10 Books on personal
finance by women
Given the present times that we are living in, personal finance holds tremendous importance. Among the several things that can help you hone your knowledge, reading books on money can help you gain in-depth insight and get your finances in order. Regular reading of personal finance books can help you understand the key concepts that can aid you in better managing your finances.
This article will list 10 books on personal finance written by women, reading which can broaden your horizon and help you stay on a solid financial footing. Let’s get started.
Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money - Bala Sokunbi
If you want to build wealth in the long-term and understand how investing works, this personal finance book from Bala Sokunbi should be on your reading list. In this book, Sokunbi explained the concept of investing in a simplified manner while explaining why investing matters.
Going through this book will also help you learn how to use your money for long-term wealth creation. At the same time, the book tells about the mistakes that you should avoid and captures valuable experiences from experts.
On My Own Two Feet: A Modern Girl’s Guide to Personal Finance - Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar
One of the top-rated books on personal finance, it helps you understand the concepts of money management, budgeting, saving, and retirement. Penned by Harvard Business School Graduates Manisha Thakor, and Sharon Kedar, the book helps you understand how you can stay in command of your personal finances, irrespective of the amount of money you make.
A simple breakdown of complicated financial matters, the book makes the subject interesting. After reading the book, you will understand that money management is not that difficult.
Get Good with Money: 10 Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole - Tiffany Aliche
If you want to acquire knowledge about budgeting, savings, and automating your bills and investments, then you can look forward to reading this book on personal finance from Tiffany Aliche. The author outlines a 10-step approach while dealing with personal finances, and each step is broken in a simplified manner and easy-to-follow guide.
It starts with budgeting and then moves to savings. Finally, it deals with savings and automating bills and investments, a crucial aspect of personal finance.
Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom - Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
While this book is an excellent read for anyone, it’s particularly beneficial for those in their 20s and 30s. If you belong to this age group and want to get your finances in order, this book is for you.
The book deals with interesting topics that people in their 20s and 30s are curious about while kicking off their personal finance journey, including finding the best insurance deals, home buying, and changing spending habits, among others.
Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties - Beth Kobliner
Since you are the only breadwinner of your family, health insurance and life insurance assume importance of gigantic proportions. You can least afford a medical contingency wiping out your funds, and therefore, you must immediately opt for a family floater plan covering yourself and your child. Opt for a high sum insured as medical inflation has pushed up healthcare costs significantly of late.
Similarly, you must avail life insurance in the form of a term plan that will provide you and your child with a financial cushion in case of an untoward incident. Ensure that the coverage is large enough to take care of all your liabilities, including your child’s education. Compare different plans and choose the one that best suits your requirements.
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth - Jen Sincero
If you wish to improve your money mindset, then this book on personal finance is for you. Fun and witty, the book captures Jen’s journey from living in a garage to her best life. In this book, the author has penned her experience and vital advice that can help you overcome financial obstacles.
Also, if you are facing any mental roadblocks when it comes to making money, the book can help you overcome them. In a nutshell, this personal finance book enables you to think about money differently and start building wealth.
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together - Erin Lowry
If you want to learn the art of managing student loans and figuring out finances with your partner, this book is for you. More often than not, most of us are not very clear about our relationships with money and fail to define it properly. Reading this book will help you understand and nurture this all-important relationship in a better manner.
One of the highly-rated personal finance books, it helps you identify prudent ways through which you can effectively manage finances with your partner, failing to do which can be a cause of significant heartburn.
The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to Be Complicated - Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
Most of us complicate personal finance for no reason at all. However, it should be simple and straightforward. This book from Helaine Olen and Harold Pollock teaches you exactly that. An easy-to-follow guide, the book identifies simple ways through which you can manage your finances in a better manner.
The book lists 10 simple rules of an index card and explains how it can outperform complicated strategies. You get all the tools and knowledge to reign control of your financial life through this book.
Know Yourself, Know Your Money - Rachel Cruze
One of the top-notch books on personal finance, it brings a fresh approach to traditional money rules. The book helps you understand the root behind all money decisions and change your mindset regarding money for good.
That’s not all. The book also unearths newer ways to understand your parents, fears, and beliefs, all of which profoundly influence your money mindset.