10 Mommy Bloggers To Help Get You In Financial Shape

We still have a long way to go when it comes to normalising that women, especially mothers, can handle finances with equal expertise if given the opportunity to learn and grow. We need more women to share their financial journeys and wisdom to help others grow financially and protect their wealth.

Let us look at ten mothers who share their financial wisdom through blogs to help you get in your best financial shape.

Kumiko Love, The Budget Mom

Kumiko Love has faced many failures before finding a successful way to manage money as a single mother. She figured out the best method that worked for her and started her blog, The Budget Mom, which focuses on budgeting, frugal living, student loans, and much more.

With a strong passion for helping women start their journey in financial management, Kumiko Love has reached around 694,000 followers on Instagram. She has accessible resources and courses on her blog and has even authored a book titled ‘My Money My Way’, which is an excellent guide to taking control of your financial life.

Rachana Ranade

A Chartered Accountant, a teacher, an entrepreneur, and a mother, Rachana Ranade wears many hats and ensures that her content sharpens your knowledge on everything related to investments and the stock market.

Rachana’s website features several blogs on the latest stock market news, inflation, and six types of financial calculators. She has gained over 682,000 followers on Instagram and offers seven paid courses on the stock market.

Dyana King, Money.Boss.Mama

Dyana King aims to help single mothers take control of their money, pay off debts, and save to live and not just survive. She teaches how to maximise income and pave the way towards building wealth for your children. She firmly believes that there’s no magic trick to maximise your savings. Instead, it comes from creating a goal, customising a budget based on that goal, and maximising it.

She has reached over 31,000 followers on Instagram and offers a mini-lesson on Money.Boss.Mama on the steps you need to control overspending and make better spending decisions.

Jessi Fearon, Real Life On A Budget

A stay-at-home wife and a mother to three children believes in living life on a proper budget and encourages families to do the same around the world. On her blog Real Life On A Budget, Jessi shares her family’s budget with her followers and provides valuable tips to balance motherhood and finance with ease.

She has a free guide to budgeting and a debt-payoff plan to become debt-free while maximising your savings. You can also get productivity tips for expanding your business. What’s even better is you can join a free challenge to control your finances in just five days!

Shang Saavedra, Save My Cents

A personal finance advisor at Save My Cents and an Economics graduate who does not sugarcoat her way into sharing her knowledge on managing and increasing her wealth. She has been successful in multiplying her income and became work-optional at the age of 31 to start her finance platform. She aims to inspire people to manage their finances with the right mindset successfully.

Shang has written extensively on various financial aspects such as marriage and money, tax savings, basic investment concepts, and many more. She has helped hundreds of people prioritise and pay off their debts and has gained over 72,000 followers on Instagram.

Alli Williams, financially focused

Alli Williams uses financially focused as a platform to teach how to implement and follow a proper plan to achieve financial independence, mainly aimed at women. She has developed financially focused into a company that helps women and couples to get financially sound, pay off debts, save, and build their wealth.

Alli’s blogs cover a few essential financial aspects such as overspending, managing money in a marriage, buying your dream house, and many more. She offers four free and paid courses and has several resources as well.

Dasha Kennedy, The Broke Black Girl

Dasha, a mother of two children and a financial activist, has helped over 70,000 women from the African-American community to start their financial journey by imparting sound financial knowledge through her platform, The Broke Black Girl. She was highly motivated to create a safe space for Black women to learn financial management.

Dasha is currently a full-time financial educator, providing valuable tips and advice on money management and essential conversations around money with children.

Rita-Soledad Fernández Paulino, Wealth Para Todos

A teacher turned financial educator, Rita honed her financial literacy through books, videos, and podcasts. She ensures that more and more people from the BIPOC and LGBTQ community receive financial education to face challenges and achieve their dreams.

Rita has paid off her student debt and also saved for an emergency fund. She is currently working towards becoming a Certified Financial Planner and engages in money conversations on Wealth Para Todos.

Carissa Houston, All Day Mom

Travelling as a family is extremely fun but can be expensive if you do not have a sound financial plan. Carrissa from All Day Mom writes on how to save your vacation fund and travel on a budget with your family.

She also has some amazing content on budget resources, clean eating, and frugal tips.

Emma Johnson, Wealthy Single Mommy

Emma is an ardent believer in building a community of knowledge and opportunities for single mothers like her to build successful careers and provide a better life for their children. Her blog Wealthy Single Mommy features articles not just on finance but also on parenting, self-care, and several resources.

Emma has helped millions of women with money, parenting, relationships, and much more with her work.

All these mothers come from different backgrounds and opportunities and yet share the same vision to create a world where women, especially mothers, can become financially sound and independent in a way that they take care of themselves and their families. They remind us of the importance of taking small steps and creating valuable content to connect with women worldwide.

It is essential that we value the relationship between women and finance by giving them the right platform to engage in valuable conversations to impart and imbibe such knowledge. Join the Blue Bindi project to take hold of your finances and make prudent investing decisions.
