5 Simple Ways Women Can Prepare Themselves Before Investing

The past few years have seen a higher inclusion of women in investing, thanks to rising financial literacy and awareness levels. To ace the investment game and achieve success, women must take some basic preparation. What are these? Let’s find out.

Know Your Objectives

Before investing, it is essential for you to have clarity on the objective of your investment. In other words, you should know what you are investing for - is it to build an emergency corpus or accumulate funds for downpayment of your house. Or are you investing to achieve long-term goals such as retirement.

Clarity on your financial goals will help you identify the right instruments for investing and more importantly will lend a purpose to it. Distinguish your objectives in three broad categories - short, medium and long term and go about your investments accordingly.

Have Clarity on Your Risk Appetite

This is another essential aspect to investing and you need to be well-prepared for it. Risk appetite refers to your ability to stomach risks. Just like we differ as individuals, so does risk appetite. It is wise to choose instruments that align with your risk tolerance. For example, if you are an aggressive investor, you can look forward to investing in equities that have the potential to deliver inflation-beating returns in the long run.

On the other hand, if you have a conservative outlook, you can limit your equity exposure and invest in debt instruments that are relatively less volatile than equities. Investing in instruments depending on your risk tolerance offers you peace of mind.

Gain Knowledge

It’s essential to keep yourself updated about the latest happenings in the investing world. Knowledge will help you better understand your goals and choose financial instruments accordingly. It will also aid you in understanding a product better and not take anything for granted.

Read financial newspapers and magazines, join webinars and hear experts out to broaden your horizon. Many financial institutions conduct seminars and workshops to enlighten on different aspects of finance. You can join such workshops to enrich your knowledge.

Assess Your Current Financial Situation

Before you prepare yourself mentally for investing, assess your current financial situation. Make a note of all inflows, outflows and other crucial financial commitments. It will aid you in gauging your financial positioning and compute the amount you need for investing. You can take help of several budgetary apps to do so.

Make a Financial Plan and Get Going

Once you have covered all bases, make a financial plan to get going. Seek help from a neutral and certified financial planner while drawing the plan so as to cover all essential aspects. Review your plan every year and ensure it aligns with your goals.

Join our Blue Bindi Project to empower yourself financially and embark on your road to financial independence.
