Inspirational story of Priya Rushi

Priya Rushi,
Deputy Vice President & Mom of Two Beautiful Daughters

An early start, a disciplined investment approach to be debt-free

Priya’s financial journey and how she repaid her Home Loan.

I began investing at a very young age. It was a financial principle instilled in me by my parents - ‘save a little bit of your income in a safe investment product’. So naturally, I began my investment journey by opening a PPF account at the age of 23. I was later introduced to mutual funds. The promise of building wealth based on the law of compounding in a systematic manner was appealing. I also chose to invest in Gold ETFs. What could I say, it brought a little bling to my life!

I’ve always wished to grow my wealth. Therefore, I decided to reinvest the interest earned into a new mutual funds. This ensured that, my investments continued to grow and so did my dreams. I was able to fulfill my dream of owning a home in the city. While buying a new home came with its set of worries. I overcame the challenges with the help of disciplined investment approach in repaying my home loan. And now, I can proudly say that I am debt-free and I feel financially empowered.

The only tip I would like to give my younger self is to start investing early, have a diversified portfolio based on your risk appetite.

That is why I see the Blue Bindi Project as an inspiration for so many women out there. It can play a major role in building self-confidence, so women feel empowered to invest right.