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Order Updates Fail-over Reporting

This API is used to get the ORDER_UPDATE transactions done by a user when a vendor is down and the user tries to transact. The users need to provide a date range to retrieve updates of transaction.

Method GET
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/order/orders/order-updates?pageNo=0&pageSize=2&from=2020-02-18 00:00:00&to=2020-02-24 23:00:00
Method GET


Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Source <-Vendor Name->
SourceToken <-SourceToken value->

Request Parameters

Key Value Description Mandatory?
PageNo zero onwards {0,1,2 and so on..} The requested document in its entirety is divided into discrete pages. The numeric values are indices to these pages. A pageNo=0 would mean the very first slice/page of the requested document that would come in response. YES
pageSize 1 onwards. Specifies how many records per page should be returned YES
from Start date for request range A valid date in the format mentioned YES
to End date for request range A valid date in format mentioned. If not specified, records retrieved shall be later than the from date specified. NO

Note:- When from date and to date in the request parameters are specified, the range should not exceed 30 days.

Sample Request
Request method is GET 00:00:00&to=2020-02-24 23:00:00


Key Value
Source <-Source Vendor->
SourceToken <-Source token value->

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
type "Type of update TRADE_UPDATE - for trade update packets ORDER_UPDATE - for order update packets"
accId Account ID
accTyp "Asset Type: EQUITY"
desc "Description of transaction ex: Buy 1 Qty @ ₹ 284.85"
dpName Company Name of the Stock
chg Change price of stock
chgP Change % of stock 
dExpDt   Display Expiry Date
dInsTyp  Display Instrument Type
dpName Display Name
exONo Exchange Order Number
exc "Exchange Segment NSE/BSE/CDS/NFO/BFO"
fID Fill ID (when order gets traded)
fPrc Fill Price
fQty Fill Quantity - Traded Quantity
lsz Lot Size
ltp Last Traded Price 
oID NEST Order Number
opTyp "Option Type PUT, CALL "
pCode "Product Type CNC, NRML, MTF, MIS, BO"
pConv Position Conversion flag
qty Quantity
rcvTim Received Time
srs Series - EQ/BE
stkPrc Strike Price 
sts Status of Trade
sym scrip on which trade happened
tPrc Total Price
tSym Trade Symbol
tTyp "Transaction Type BUY, SELL"
tsz Tick Size
userID User ID
extOrdTim Trade Time in epoch
syomId Will be same as nest order id  when order is traded
vlDt Order/Trade Validity date 
usrCmnt User Comment
rcvDt Receive Date
rmk Remarks from User 
boSeqId Bracket Order Sequence ID (to map different legs of Bracket Order) 
ordTim Date + Time
nReqID NEST Request ID
vndSrc Source vendor
vndLst List of vendors to which user has given consent
vndAcOp Vendor Account opening source
ogt Order Generation Type
trgPrc Target Price
isTgt Is Target Hit
isSL Is Stop Loss enabled
exit NA
dur validity - DAY, IOC, EOS
isCOSecLeg "cover order second leg flag FALSE"
edit NA
exit NA
app NA
info NA
Sample Response

    "config": {},
    "data": {
        "type": "vendorOrderRespObject",
        "list": [
                "accId": "EB003311",
                "accTyp": "EQ",
                "crdt": "2020-02-24 21:10:03",
                "data": {
                    "avgPrc": "0.00",
                    "boSeqId": "",
                    "cancel": "true",
                    "desc": "Buy 1 Qty @ &#8377 284.85",
                    "dpName": "TATASTEEL",
                    "dur": "DAY",
                    "edit": "true",
                    "exONo": "1000000000000237",
                    "exc": "NSE",
                    "exit": "false",
                    "extOrdTim": "1586768646096151",
                    "isCOSecLeg": "false",
                    "isSL": false,
                    "isTgt": false,
                    "lsz": "1",
                    "ogt": "AMO",
                    "opTyp": "",
                    "ordTim": "12/04/2020 15:48:00",
                    "prc": "284.85",
                    "rcvDt": "12/04/2020",
                    "rcvTim": "15:48:00",
                    "rmk": "",
                    "srs": "EQ",
                    "stkPrc": "",
                    "sts": "after market order req received",
                    "sym": "3499_NSE",
                    "syomId": "NA",
                    "trgPrc": "0.00",
                    "tsz": "0.05",
                    "userID": "MEHJAI11",
                    "usrCmnt": "",
                    "vlDt": "",
                    "vndAcOp": "",
                    "vndLst": [
                    "vndSrc": "TESTVENDOR06"
                "type": "ORDER_UPDATE",
                "usrId": "MEHJAI11"

        "sts": false
    "msgID": "381f283d-1ad6-4f25-a976-82202f130ec2",
    "srvTm": 1589220077980

Pay-In Payment Fail-over API

This API provides the list of transactions for a given date range for all the vendors to which users have given consent.

Method GET
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/fund/history/transactions/PAYIN?from=2020-04-11 00:00:00&to=2020-05-05 23:00:00
Method GET
Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Source <-Vendor Name->
SourceToken <-Source token value->

Note: Adhere to the date format as shown above in the request for 'from' and 'to'.

Request Parameters

from Start date for request range A valid date in the format mentioned YES
to End date for request range A valid date in format mentioned. If not specified, records retrieved shall be later than the from date specified. YES

Note:- When from date and to date in the request parameters are specified, the range should not exceed 30 days.

Sample Request
Request method is GET 00:00:00&to=2020-05-05 23:00:00


Key Value
Source <-Source Vendor->
SourceToken <-Source token value->

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
BName Bank name
RTyp "Request type. PAYIN or PAYOUT"
TAmt total amount
accCode Account code
accountno Account number
createddate date of payin/payout
refNo Reference Number
recordsFetchedTill This field has the date which lies in between from and to. It has to be passed as from in the subsequent requests
app NA
info NA
Sample Response

    "config": {},
    "data": {
        "type": "transactionHistoryRespDao",
        "list": [
                "BName": "ICICI BANK LTD",
                "INo": "EDEL_EQ_00000011245",
                "RTyp": "payin",
                "TAmt": "59",
                "accCode": "EB003311",
                "accountno": "104301500918",
                "cancel": false,
                "createddate": "2020-04-10T20:17:47.667084",
                "dt": "10 Apr 2020",
                "edit": false,
                "isprimary": false,
                "ledgername": "Normal",
                "paymode": "UPI",
                "refNo": "16718162D3DA467",
                "rmk": "In Process",
                "seg": "EQ",
                "sts": "In Process",
                "tm": "8:17 PM",
                "txnEpoch": 1.586549867667084E12,
                "updateddate": "2020-04-10T20:17:49.574288",
                "upi": ""
                "BName": "YES Bank",
                "INo": "EDEL_EQ_00000011246",
                "RTyp": "payin",
                "TAmt": "50",
                "accCode": "EB003311",
                "accountno": "008291700000370",
                "cancel": false,
                "createddate": "2020-04-13T10:30:50.879199",
                "dt": "13 Apr 2020",
                "edit": false,
                "isprimary": false,
                "ledgername": "Normal",
                "paymode": "Internet Banking",
                "refNo": "700004977606",
                "rmk": "Processed",
                "seg": "EQ",
                "sts": "Processed",
                "tm": "10:30 AM",
                "txnEpoch": 1.586773850879199E12,
                "updateddate": "2020-04-13T10:35:42.351063",
                "upi": ""
                "BName": "ICICI BANK LTD",
                "INo": "EDEL_EQ_00000011256",
                "RTyp": "payin",
                "TAmt": "50",
                "accCode": "EB003311",
                "accountno": "104301500918",
                "cancel": false,
                "createddate": "2020-04-14T11:12:16.317827",
                "dt": "14 Apr 2020",
                "edit": false,
                "isprimary": false,
                "ledgername": "Normal",
                "paymode": "Internet Banking",
                "refNo": "28B83A05792C4AE",
                "rmk": "Failed",
                "seg": "EQ",
                "sts": "Failed",
                "tm": "11:12 AM",
                "txnEpoch": 1.5868627363178271E12,
                "updateddate": "2020-04-14T11:12:16.317827",
                "upi": ""

        "recordsFetchedTill": "2020-05-05T18:26:20+05:30"
    "msgID": "843a6c8a-6383-41a2-8c71-a1874492f7d4",
    "srvTm": 1589225309214

Note:- The 'recordsFetchedTill' field from the response should be picked and sent in as 'from' request parameter for the subsequent request and 'to' request parameter remains the same as original request.

Trade Updates Fail-over Reporting

This API is used to get the TRADE_UPDATE transactions done by a user when a vendor is down and the user tries to transact. The users need to provide a date range to retrieve updates of transaction.

Method GET
URL /edelmw-eq/eq/order/orders/trade-updates?pageNo=0&pageSize=2&from=2020-02-18 00:00:00&to=2020-02-24 23:00:00
Method GET


Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Source <-Vendor Name->
SourceToken <-SourceToken value->

Note: Adhere to the date format as shown above in the request for 'from' and 'to'.

Request Parameters

Key Value Description Mandatory?
PageNo zero onwards {0,1,2 and so on..} The requested document in its entirety is divided into discrete pages. The numeric values are indices to these pages. A pageNo=0 would mean the very first slice/page of the requested document that would come in response. YES
pageSize 1 onwards. Specifies how many records per page should be returned YES
from Start date for request range A valid date in the format mentioned YES
to End date for request range A valid date in format mentioned. If not specified, records retrieved shall be later than the from date specified. NO

Note:- When from date and to date in the request parameters are specified, the range should not exceed 30 days.

Sample Request
Request method is GET 00:00:00&to=2020-02-24 23:00:00


Key Value
Source <-Source Vendor->
SourceToken <-Source token value->

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
type "Type of update TRADE_UPDATE - for trade update packets ORDER_UPDATE - for order update packets"
accId Account ID
accTyp "Asset Type: EQUITY"
desc "Description of transaction ex Buy 1 Qty @ ₹ 284.85"
dpName Company Name of the Stock
chg Change price of stock
chgP Change % of stock 
dExpDt  Display Expiry Date
dInsTyp  Display Instrument Type
dpName Display Name
exONo Exchange Order Number
exc "Exchange Segment NSE/BSE/CDS/NFO/BFO"
fID Fill ID (when order gets traded)
fPrc Fill Price
fQty Fill Quantity - Traded Quantity
lsz Lot Size
ltp Last Traded Price 
oID NEST Order Number
opTyp "Option Type PUT, CALL "
pCode "Product Type CNC, NRML, MTF, MIS, BO"
pConv Position Conversion flag
qty Quantity
rcvTim Received Time
srs Series - EQ/BE
stkPrc Strike Price 
sts Status of Trade
sym NA
tPrc Total Price
tSym Trade Symbol
tTyp "Transaction Type BUY, SELL"
tsz Tick Size
userID User ID
extOrdTim Trade Time in epoch
syomId Will be same as nest order id  when order is traded
vlDt Order/Trade Validity date 
usrCmnt User Comment
rcvDt Receive Date
rmk Remarks from User 
boSeqId Bracket Order Sequence ID (to map different legs of Bracket Order) 
ordTim Date + Time
nReqID NEST Request ID
vndSrc Source vendor
vndLst List of vendors to which user has given consent
vndAcOp Vendor Account opening source
ogt Order Generation Type
trgPrc Target Price
isTgt Is Target Hit
isSL Is Stop Loss enabled
exit NA
dur validity - DAY, IOC, EOS
isCOSecLeg "cover order second leg flag FALSE"
edit NA
exit NA
app NA
info NA
Sample Response

    "config": {},
    "data": {
        "type": "vendorTradeRespObject",
        "list": [
                "accId": "EB003311",
                "accTyp": "EQ",
                "crdt": "2020-02-24 21:10:03",
                "data": {
                    "avgPrc": "0.00",
                    "boSeqId": "",
                    "cancel": "true",
                    "desc": "Buy 1 Qty @ &#8377 284.85",
                    "dpName": "TATASTEEL",
                    "dur": "DAY",
                    "edit": "true",
                    "exONo": "1000000000000237",
                    "exc": "NSE",
                    "exit": "false",
                    "extOrdTim": "1586768646096151",
                    "isCOSecLeg": "false",
                    "isSL": false,
                    "isTgt": false,
                    "lsz": "1",
                    "ogt": "AMO",
                    "opTyp": "",
                    "ordTim": "12/04/2020 15:48:00",
                    "prc": "284.85",
                    "rcvDt": "12/04/2020",
                    "rcvTim": "15:48:00",
                    "rmk": "",
                    "srs": "EQ",
                    "stkPrc": "",
                    "sts": "after market order req received",
                    "sym": "3499_NSE",
                    "syomId": "NA",
                    "trgPrc": "0.00",
                    "tsz": "0.05",
                    "userID": "MEHJAI11",
                    "usrCmnt": "",
                    "vlDt": "",
                    "vndAcOp": "",
                    "vndLst": [
                    "vndSrc": "TESTVENDOR06"
                "type": "TRADE_UPDATE",
                "usrId": "MEHJAI11"

        "sts": false
    "msgID": "381f283d-1ad6-4f25-a976-82202f130ec2",
    "srvTm": 1589220077980